Safeguard yourself from takers; they are more than energy drainers, they can play along for a long time while secretly taking advantage of your good will or lack of malice.
In the context of social and entrepreneurial dynamics, the term "takers" is used to describe individuals who primarily focus on their own benefits even at the expense of others, and often with a hint of jealousy that their own insecurities create.
Real Entrepreneurs are genuinely busy on their own projects, and our time is precious so let's not suffer fools anymore; identify those "takers" around and set a good strategy to deal with them..
Common Characteristics of "Takers"
Self-Orientated: Takers prioritize their own needs and interests above those of others. They are more likely to focus on what they can get from others rather than what they can give. Just pay attention and you'll see.
Competitive: They often view interactions and relationships as zero-sum games, where one's gain is another's loss. This leads them to compete (passively or aggressively), sometimes undermining or exploiting others to achieve their goals.
Short-Term Focused: Takers tend to focus on immediate rewards and benefits, often overlooking the long-term consequences of their actions on relationships and reputation.
Recognition Seekers: They seek to claim credit for successes and they hate to share credits. This desire for recognition and advancement can drive them to take credit for work they did not do or to exaggerate their contributions.
Manipulative: Takers may use flattery, deception, or manipulation to get what they want from others including what they want you to think.

So, how can "Takers" affect organizations and relationships?
In a network setting, takers with their attitude and subtle actions can create an environment leading to decreased moral, and collaboration among team members.
They enjoy dividing groups and pointing out every little flaw or all the ways things can go wrong in order to embarrass you or discredit your ideas in front of others.
But no worries, over time, the reputation of takers often suffers as their true nature becomes every time more obvious. Yes, they may achieve short-term success, but their long-term influence and relationships get damaged as colleagues and partners recognize their patterns of behavior.
The contrast with givers and matchers
Givers: In contrast to takers, givers focus on what they can contribute to others, often without expecting anything in return. They are characterized by their generosity, empathy, and willingness to help. While they may sometimes be taken advantage of, givers often achieve the highest levels of success in the long term due to the strong, positive relationships they build.
Matchers: Matchers strive to maintain a balance of give and take. They believe in fairness and reciprocity, aiming to give back as much as they get. Matchers often act as a counterbalance to takers, seeking to ensure that takers do not exploit others.
Have you met a "Taker" lately?
0%Unfortunately, yes.
0%Not that I know!
0%Not only one, lol.
0%I have my suspicions
Set boundaries; Because takers have non. -suggested Pinterest.
Maybe we all have been takers, givers, or matchers, so we might know the feeling and recognize the traits. If so, maybe we are all reading this for a common sense.. who knows, maybe a good personal inspection could be the message in disguise. What do you think?
Dedicated to those "Takers" we appreciate.
Entrepreneurial Club
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