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San Elizario Veterans Parade and Ceremony

The San Elizario Veterans Committee celebrated the 25th Annual Parade and we were there to support their efforts and honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Honoring and Celebrating our Veterans!

Saturday, Nov. 6th 2021 — Members of The Ladies of Business and Gentlemen of Business Club gathered very early in the morning to line up at the parade that ended up at the Veterans Memorial Plaza in the San Elizario Historic District.

Elected officials, groups, associations and schools participated as every year, in this memorable event. The celebration ended up with a ceremony that celebrated the 25th Anniversary of their parade...

Thanks to Octavio Hernandez, Veteran, Historian, Entrepreneur, and active member of the Gentlemen of Business Club for the invitation and great dedication to his role as part of the San Elizario Veterans Committee!!

"I am honored to be in front of many veterans who answered the call to protect our country, I am from San Elizario and it is great to be among the best... so Veterans, be proud!!... I salute every single veteran no matter where you are from and also those brothers and sisters that have past away giving the ultimate service" .. Words of Octavio Hernandez at the Veterans Ceremony.

It is an honor to be part of such important activities in our community that we are already looking forward for next year's celebration!!

Have you visited San Elizario lately? Did you know about the Memorial Walk Project?

Order your very own personalized brick and have it installed at their Memorial Walk!. This project was designed for those who have served, or are currently serving, in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. This Memorial separates the warrior from the war, focuses on the valor of these patriots, and gives each of them a place in history.

This is a great way to support the Veterans and become part of History yourself.

Families, businesses, organizations and schools, are welcome to contribute with a brick and have their patriotic messages engraved. The project is administered by the San Elizario Veterans Committee of the San Elizario Genealogy & Historical Society, a 501c, non-profit organization. All proceeds go to the San Elizario Veterans Committee!!

For Additional Information Contact Al Borrego at 915-526-5971.



Entrepreneurial Club

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